Belle Endress

Where did you attend undergrad & what was your major?

I attended Moravian University and majored in Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice and Law with a minor in Business Management.

I’m glad I chose my graduate program because...

it would provide more in-depth understanding of the field of Criminology. My bachelor's was not exactly the major I wanted and this master's program will give me the title I have dreamed of. I plan on joining the FBI to become a special agent and this program will help me soar and be the best applicant as I am surrounded and supported by world class educators. 

If I’m not in class or in a lab, you can find me…

traveling and exploring new cultures. I also love being surrounded by nature, hiking, spending time with my friends and family, and cooking/baking.

If I weren’t in grad school, I’d..

join the Peace Corps! I would allow me to both travel and help make the world a better place and educate others!!