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PhD Alumni Table

This table contains the names of PhD students who graduated from the School of Social Ecology, along with their relevant degree, department, list of committee members, and professional placement if available. We hope that you will find this information useful and informative. All questions regarding the information contained on this page, including requests to "opt-out," can be sent to
Name Sort descending Program Year Faculty Chair(s) Members Employment Type
Bradley, Kelly Dawn PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2003 Joan Petersilia (Chair) Valerie Jenness, John D. Dombrink, William C. Thompson Unknown
Bradstreet, Charlotte Elizabeth PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2015 Elliott P. Currie (Chair) James Diego Vigil, C. Ronald Huff Self-Employed
Braun, Michael Francis PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2013 Elliott P. Currie (Chair) James Diego Vigil, Alan Mobley 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Bredow, Victoria Ann Lowerson PhD, Planning, Policy, & Design 2015 Martha S. Feldman (Co-Chair), Michael J. Montoya (Co-Chair) David L. Feldman 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Brennan, Penny Lynn PhD, Social Ecology 1986 Gary Evans (Chair) Karen S. Rook, Ralph Catalano Unknown
Brennankane, Laura Ann PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2015 Elliott P. Currie (Chair) C. Ronald Huff, John D. Dombrink 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Brentano, Cornelia PhD, Human Development 2001 Alison Clarke-Stewart (Chair) Ellen Greenberger, Daniel Stokols, William C. Thompson 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Brewster, Wendy Rosamund PhD, Environmental Health, Science, & Policy 2000 Hoda Anton-Culver (Chair) Philip DiSaia, Barbara Hamkalo, John M. Whiteley 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Bridenball, Blaine Michael PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2005 Paul Jesilow (Chair) Valerie Jenness, Kitty Calavita Unknown
Britton, Rual Lee PhD, Social Ecology 1997 William C. Thompson (Chair) Elaine Vaughan, Thomas J. Crawford Unknown
Broderick, Stephanie Hubert PhD, Social Ecology 1988 Carol K. Whalen (Chair) Wendy A. Goldberg, C. David Dooley Unknown
Brow, Marian Marnie PhD, Psychology & Social Behavior 2008 Roxane Cohen Silver (chair) Karen S. Rook, Susan T. Charles Self-Employed
Brown, Gregory Christopher PhD, Social Ecology 1990 Henry N. Pontell (Chair) Horace Mitchell, Gilbert Geis 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Brown, Sharon P. PhD, Environmental Health, Science, & Policy 2008 Oladele A. Ogunseitan (Chair) Elaine Vaughan, Daniel Stokols Business or Industry (for Profit)
Brownell, Arlene Barbara PhD, Social Ecology 1981 C. David Dooley (Chair) Ralph Catalano, Karen S. Rook Unknown
Burgess, Stewart Lynn PhD, Human Development 1999 Linda J. Levine (Chair) Ellen Greenberger, Carol K. Whalen Business or Industry (for Profit)
Burton, Bryan Robert PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2015 Paul Jesilow (Chair) Henry N. Pontell, Elliott P. Currie 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Burton, Sabina Leigh Wuensch PhD, Social Ecology 1996 John D. Dombrink (Chair) James W. Meeker, Sanjoy Mazumdar 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Busse, David PhD, Psychology & Social Behavior 2017 Ilona Yim (Chair) Belinda Campos, Roxane Cohen Silver Unknown
Butler, Brendon Jerome PhD, Psychological Science 2020 Elizabeth F. Loftus Linda J. Levine, Amy L. Dent
Business or Industry (for Profit)
Butler, Jorie Michaela PhD, Health Psychology 2005 Carol K. Whalen (Chair) Larry D. Jamner, Susan T. Charles, Barbara A. Henker 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Calhoun, Stacy PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2016 Susan F. Turner (Chair) Nicholas Scurich, David Farabee 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Campbell, Joan Marie Elizabeth PhD, Social Ecology 1982 Daniel Stokols (Chair) Stephen Colome, Gary Evans, Raymond W. Novaco Unknown
Campbell, Michael Carl PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2009 Kitty Calavita (Chair) Valerie Jenness, Elliott P. Currie 4-Year College or University other than Medical School
Carlisle-Frank, Pamela Lyn PhD, Social Ecology 1991 Salvatore Maddi (Chair) John M. Whiteley, Edward Kaufman Unknown