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PhD Alumni Table

This table contains the names of PhD students who graduated from the School of Social Ecology, along with their relevant degree, department, list of committee members, and professional placement if available. We hope that you will find this information useful and informative. All questions regarding the information contained on this page, including requests to "opt-out," can be sent to
Name Program Year Faculty Chair(s) Members Employment Type Sort ascending
Zmuidzinas, Marija (Mary) Cecelija PhD, Social Ecology 1994 Daniel Stokols (Chair) Thomas J. Crawford, Rob Kling Business or Industry (for Profit)
Skolnik, Heidi Sue PhD, Health Psychology 1997 Karen S. Rook (Chair) Daniel Stokols, Danching Ruan, Tonya Schuster Business or Industry (for Profit)
Domagalski, Kirsten Ashley PhD, Psychological Science 2023 Jodi A. Quas (Chair) Elizabeth Loftus, Amy L. Dent
Business or Industry (for Profit)
Butler, Brendon Jerome PhD, Psychological Science 2020 Elizabeth F. Loftus Linda J. Levine, Amy L. Dent
Business or Industry (for Profit)
Alfonzo, Mariela Alexandra PhD, Urban & Regional Planning 2007 Kristen Day Marlon G. Boarnet, Scott A. Bollens, Daniel S. Stokols Business or Industry (for Profit)
Smutny, Gayla Ann PhD, Environmental Analysis & Design 1997 Scott A. Bollens (Chair) Joseph F.C. DiMento, Lois Taskahashi Business or Industry (for Profit)
Tiwari, Abhishek PhD, Planning, Policy, & Design 2009 Victoria Basolo (Chair) Sanjoy Mazumdar, Susan Brown Business or Industry (for Profit)
Dixit, Amruta PhD, Social Ecology 2016 Oladele A. Ogunseitan (Chair) Scott M. Bartell, Veronica M. Vieira, Yan Guiyun Business or Industry (for Profit)
Cripe, Lynne Marie PhD, Social Ecology 1999 Randall Crane (Chair) Lois Takahashi, Amrita Daniere Business or Industry (for Profit)
Wallin, Allison Ruth PhD, Psychology & Social Behavior 2009 Jodi A. Quas (Chair) Sally S. Dickerson, Larry D. Jamner Business or Industry (for Profit)
Cochran, Kevin Jacob PhD, Psychology & Social Behavior 2018 Elizabeth F. Loftus (Chair) Peter H. Ditto, Linda J. Levine
Business or Industry (for Profit)
Williamson, K.M. PhD, Social Ecology 2005 Kristen Day (Chair) Scott A. Bollens, Gilbert Geis, Joseph F.C. DiMento Business or Industry (for Profit)
Tiwari, Abhishek PhD, Urban & Regional Planning 2009 Victoria Basolo Sanjoy Mazumdar, Susan Brown Business or Industry (for Profit)
Wojcik, Sean Philip PhD, Psychology & Social Behavior 2015 Peter H. Ditto (Chair) Linda J. Levine, Roxane Cohen Silver Business or Industry (for Profit)
Laguna, Sofia Isabel PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2021 Mona Lynch Elliott P. Currie, Ana Muniz
Business or Industry (for Profit)
Suh, Jin Suhk PhD, Planning, Policy, & Design 2013 David L. Feldman (Chair) Joseph F.C. DiMento, Richard A. Matthew, Jean-Daniel M. Saphores Business or Industry (for Profit)
Dagenais, Simon PhD, Environmental Health, Science, & Policy 2005 Oladele A. Ogunseitan (Chair) Chad Garner, Scott Haldeman Business or Industry (for Profit)
Utman Jr., Richard Eugene PhD, Criminology, Law & Society 2007 James W. Meeker (Chair) Joseph F.C. DiMento, William C. Thompson Business or Industry (for Profit)
Burgess, Stewart Lynn PhD, Human Development 1999 Linda J. Levine (Chair) Ellen Greenberger, Carol K. Whalen Business or Industry (for Profit)
Grady, Rebecca Hofstein PhD, Psychological Science 2019 Peter H. Ditto Elizabeth F. Loftus, William C. Thompson Business or Industry (for Profit)
Polan, Susan Lori PhD, Social Ecology 1994 Arnold Binder (Chair) Ross F. Conner, James W. Meeker Business or Industry (for Profit)
Shaw, Emily Victoria PhD, Psychological Science 2021 Nicholas Scurich Mona Lynch, Elizabeth F. Loftus
Business or Industry (for Profit)
Hightower, Mindy Michelle PhD, Health Psychology 1999 Larry D. Jamner (Chair) Daniel Stokols, David Shapiro Business or Industry (for Profit)
Astin, John Alexander PhD, Health Psychology 1997 Daniel Stokols (Chair) Mark Baldassare, Roxane Cohen Silver, Deane Shapiro Business or Industry (for Profit)
Kaasa, Suzanne Olga PhD, Psychology & Social Behavior 2009 Elizabeth F. Loftus (Co-Chair), Alison Clarke-Stewart (Co-Chair) Elizabeth Cauffman Business or Industry (for Profit)